I think that every mother must think her own children are the cutest in the world. I Find my self wanting to talk all the time about the silly little things they do all the time but I find no one really wants to hear about it. That's why I try to write about things in here so I don't have to tell everyone about it. But I have a hard time finding any time at all to sit down and write. Right now its 10:30 at night and I should be in bed. But on a more important note I don't want to talk about my kids anymore. I want to talk about being a foster parent. Sometimes I don't know what I am doing. I hate it. I don't like knowing if the kids are staying or going. I don't like my little ones getting hurt and learning about things they shouldn't know about. And I don't like the caseworkers and
GALs and Therapists, and Bio family visits and transporters and licencing workers and attorneys and Court dates and
CFTs and Placement meetings and all the other people and things you get with a foster child. Then I think about the fact that there are over 10,000 children in the foster system and most of them are in group homes. But I don't care anymore. I want to adopt and be done. I just can't help but feel like there are more children out there for me that are already born that are meant to be in my family. And I want them. I'm just not a
patient person.